One hour a day, for one more year. Making make-believe a priority.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Playing with Fire

Warning: there is a lot of diarrhea in this post. one day into the new play year and guess what happens? First, the dog gets diarrhea. Second, the school calls to say that Esmee has a stomachache and a fever. And it is only noon. Feeling playful yet?

So, I get Esmee, drag her back to the school two hours later to get her sister, and keep worrying about the dog's bowel movements. (After we're all home, I am able to do much research about dog diarrhea -- and inadvertently finally learn how to spell diarrhea while I'm at it.)

We have to skip gymnastics (because of the stomachache, not the diarrhea), and my writing group (for fear that stomachache may ultimately turn into diarrhea).

And somehow, despite everything, while I'm still trying to diagnosis the dog (trying to save her life for all I know), Esmee is feeling well enough to engage in a huge argument with her sister ending with, and I quote Kicky, "Fine! Then I will never help you again! Not even if you're strangling on a stick over a fire pit!"

Scrabble anyone? Diarrhea on a triple word score is worth 36 points.

Addendum: You know what can save a day like this? Curling up on a giant stuffed dog together and letting your children read to you. All is well. And I think the real dog will be okay too.

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